How To Fix Engine Power Reduced Chevy Equinox? [Solved]

Experiencing the dreaded “Engine Power Reduced” warning in your Chevy Equinox can be frustrating and concerning. It’s a message that indicates something isn’t quite right under the hood. But fear not, as this comprehensive guide will help you understand the common causes and how to fix the issue effectively. 

Whether it’s a disconnected Charge Air Cooler (CAC) outlet tube or Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) triggering the problem, we’ve got you covered. 

What Does “Engine Power Reduced Chevy Equinox” Mean?

what does engine power reduced chevy equinox mean

“Engine Power Reduced” in a Chevy Equinox is a warning message that indicates a significant issue with the vehicle’s engine or related systems. When this message appears on the dashboard, it typically signifies that the vehicle’s electronic control module (ECM) has detected a problem that could potentially harm the engine. To protect the engine from further damage, the ECM activates a safety feature known as “Limp Mode.”

In “Limp Mode,” the engine’s power output is significantly reduced. While you can still drive the vehicle at reduced speed, it limits the engine’s capabilities to prevent overheating or further damage. This warning indicates that your Equinox requires immediate attention and diagnostic assessment by a qualified technician. Common causes for this warning include issues with the throttle body, sensors, throttle position sensors, fuel injectors, or electrical problems. 

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Reasons For “Engine Power Reduced” In Your Chevy Equinox

When your Chevy Equinox displays the dreaded “Engine Power Reduced” warning, it can be a perplexing and frustrating experience. To better understand this warning and what could be causing it, let’s simplify the basics of your Chevy’s warning system. Here are five possible reasons for “Engine Power Reduced”:

1. Disconnected Charge Air Cooler (CAC) Outlet Tube:

Some 2018-2022 Chevy Equinox models equipped with the turbocharged 1.5L I4 LYX gasoline engine and the GM 6-speed automatic transmission may experience decreased engine power due to a disconnected Charge Air Cooler (CAC) outlet tube from the engine throttle body. This disconnection can result in a drop in engine power and trigger warning messages.

2. Faulty Sensors:

Your Equinox is equipped with various sensors that monitor engine performance. If one of these sensors, such as the mass airflow or oxygen sensor, fails or provides inaccurate data, it can trigger the warning and activate “Limp Mode.”

3. Throttle Position Sensor Problems:

chevy equinox throttle position sensor problems

The throttle position sensor communicates with the engine control module to manage throttle input. If it malfunctions or fails, it can lead to “Engine Power Reduced” as the ECM tries to safeguard the engine from potential damage.

4. Clogged Fuel Injectors:

Fuel injectors can become clogged over time, affecting the proper delivery of fuel to the engine. This can result in reduced engine power and a warning message.

5. Wiring and Electrical Issues:

Damaged or corroded wiring, loose connections, or electrical faults can disrupt the communication between various engine components and the ECM, triggering the warning and “Limp Mode.”

How To Fix Engine Power Reduced Chevy Equinox?

If you’ve encountered the frustrating “Reduced Engine Power” warning on your Chevy Equinox, it’s crucial to diagnose the issue and implement appropriate solutions. A variety of factors can trigger this warning, but here are some common solutions to address this problem:

1. Catalytic Converter Replacement:

A malfunctioning catalytic converter can contribute to reduced engine power. If it’s no longer functioning correctly, it must be replaced promptly. The catalytic converter is a vital component for emissions control.

2. Airflow Sensor Testing:

Airflow sensors can lose power over time, leading to difficulties starting the engine, increased idling, and unusual noises. Depending on the issue, airflow sensors may need cleaning or replacement to restore optimal engine performance.

3. Throttle Position Sensor Replacement:

A defective throttle position sensor can significantly impact engine performance. This sensor is critical for providing fuel input and transmission data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU). When it fails, replacement is usually required, costing around $350.

4. Fuel Cap Check:

Surprisingly, a loose or damaged fuel cap can trigger the “Reduced Engine Power” warning. Ensure your fuel cap is securely attached, as a loose cap may affect proper venting. If the problem persists, consider replacing the cap.

5. Transmission Assessment:

Reduced power can also be attributed to transmission issues, including low transmission fluid levels. It’s essential to maintain the proper fluid level and address any transmission problems promptly. Additionally, wheel-mounted sensors may impact the warning, necessitating sensor replacement.

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1. What Should I Do When I See The “Engine Power Reduced” Warning In My Chevy Equinox?

When this warning appears, it’s essential to have your vehicle inspected by a certified GM technician. Continuing to drive with reduced engine power can lead to further issues.

2. Can A Disconnected Cac Outlet Tube Be The Cause Of This Problem, And Can I Fix It Myself?

Yes, a disconnected CAC outlet tube can cause this issue. While you can check for disconnections, it’s advisable to have a professional technician address and reattach it properly.

3. Are The Diagnostic Trouble Codes (Dtcs) Related To This Problem Concerning, And How Are They Resolved?

DTCs are indicators of the issue’s nature. A technician will diagnose the problem based on these codes and perform necessary repairs, possibly replacing damaged components.

4. What Is The Role Of The Throttle Body And Mass Airflow Sensor In This Situation?

The throttle body and mass airflow sensor may not require replacement unless they are damaged or identified as the source of the DTCs during the inspection.

5. Can I Prevent The “Engine Power Reduced” Issue From Recurring In My Equinox?

Regular maintenance, timely inspections, and addressing any engine-related concerns promptly can help prevent the issue from reoccurring. Staying on top of vehicle health is crucial.

Final Words

Experiencing the “Engine Power Reduced” warning in your Chevy Equinox can be a moment of anxiety. Still, with the right knowledge and professional help, you can get back on the road confidently. Remember, when this warning appears, it signals that something requires attention. Never ignore it, and consult a GM technician for a thorough diagnosis and effective solutions.

Whether it’s a disconnected CAC outlet tube or DTCs triggering the issue, addressing the root cause promptly will ensure your Equinox performs optimally. Regular maintenance and attentive care are key to preventing future occurrences and enjoying a trouble-free driving experience.

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